Catering per a casaments
"La gent oblidarà el que vas dir, oblidarà el que vas fer, però mai oblidarà com la vas fer sentir"
A les persones ens encanta escoltar històries. Els relats es queden gravats en la nostra ment i els recordem fins i tot dècades després, quan s'han oblidat altres dades.
El color de les estovalles, aquell vi, l'olor de les flors, aquelles postres delicioses... petits detalls d'un dia que quedarà per sempre en la nostra memòria.
Estava tant tranquil·la sabent que estàveu al meu costat... cada cop que em girava i us veia allà, controlant, al meu costat, mimant a la gent que estimo, cuidant cada detall, fent les coses amb amor... m'omplia de felicitat....
Vaig disfrutar TANT que no us ho podeu ni imaginar....
Estic TANT agraïda... tant tant tant... sou tant professionals... us estimo tant!!!
Tanta gent em va recalcar el tracte excel·lent dels vostres nois, lo bo que estava el menjar, lo guai que era la paradeta de vermut... el caneló de llamàntol va triomfar MOLT!!!!! També m'han donat un 10 pels aperitius... no sé si és que als nuvis no els hi arriben crítiques... però no hi ha ni una!!!
Només volíem escriure aquestes línies per agrair-vos la increïble feina que vau fer. Tot va anar rodó i els convidats van quedar enamorats d'un aperitiu de gran qualitat i variadíssim!. Nosaltres no vam poder tastar ni la meitat!
Gràcies per la deferència que vau tenir al servir-nos a part perquè els poguéssim tastar, tot era boníssim. Un plaer haver escollit GAU per aquest dia tan especial per nosaltres, la coordinació, la qualitat del menjar i les taules van ser espectaculars!. Només reiterar que vau fer una feina increïble i donar-vos les gràcies de tot cor.
Segur que tornarem a veure’ns en una altre ocasió.
Queremos agradeceros el trabajo realizado, que fue impecable en todo momento. Especial mención al control de timings y a la voluntad y trabajo en equipo; ¡eso siempre es de agradecer!. Así que de verdad, muchas gracias y esperamos que vosotros trabajarais a gusto también con nuestro equipo y ojalá podamos contar con vosotros en futuras ocasiones.
Our guests have not stopped talking about how amazing the food, drink & presentation was at our wedding. We are obviously still on a high but I just wanted to send you a HUGE thank you as we were both so blown away by the service this weekend.
The gin and tonic station went down a treat with everyone, they are still talking about it. It’s so lovely to receive such positive feedback. You made the wedding come to life exactly how we pictured it – it was simply perfect!
It was great to have you and your reassuring smile there on the day as well 🙂
Nothing could have gone better. We are very happy customers.
Lots of love to you and the rest of the team.
We are so happy and proud with how our day went and this was largely down to you all. Thank you for working with us every step of the way, organising everything and making us feel so special. We are so grateful to have found such a talented and caring team. You have been so kind by helping us organise such a big event from so far away, having your local knowledge has been immeasurably helpful.
We have heard nothing other than praise for you from guests and other suppliers. The food was the best ever and all of our guests felt so spoiled (especially the ones with dietary requirements). There wasn't a moment where a glass (or stomach) empty. You all really made our vision for the day come to life. It was the best wedding and holiday for us all.
With gratitude,
Laura and her team were so unbelievably professional and gave the most excellent service to us and our guests. The food was perfect and we could not have been happier with choosing GAU to be there on our big day. All of our guests had so much choice - in particular, the vegan and vegetarian guests were so happy with the amount of delicious food options they had! A particular word of praise from my dad on the lemon meringues, he and the bridesmaids had great fun smuggling extras to the table and they went down a treat!!
Laura is the most lovely and friendly person and we really felt that we were in good hands with her and the team. There is nothing we would have changed and everyone was so complimentary of your service.
Thank you all so much for looking after us so well, we could not have asked for more and are so happy that we had the chance to have you all there.
© Copyright GAU Catering 2023. Tots els drets reservats.
Nuestras favoritas son las de chocolate con nueces, pero intentamos que tu experiencia sea lo mejor posible.